Money conversations can be difficult.
If you are like most people, no one taught you about money. In fact, you may still sometimes feel like you don’t know what you are doing and are unsure of how to teach money principles to your teen. One things for sure, you know that you don’t want them to struggle when they get out on their own.
I know you are the kind of person who wants to do all you can to prepare your teen for the future. In order to do that, you need knowledge and tools. The problem is you don’t even know where to start which makes you feel overwhelmed and behind. The fact that you are concerned means you are a good parent who wants the best for your teen. And you are not alone. You can do this and I want to help you.
You just need some direction–that is why I wrote the book. If you read the book and take action, you can change your teen’s future! Think of all the time, stress, and money your young adult could save by learning financial concepts early. Let’s do this together!
I Am Not Your ATM
A Practical Plan for Teaching Your Teen to Manage Money
In I Am Not Your ATM: A Practical Plan for Teaching Your Teen to Manage Money, you gain the know-how and confidence to teach your teen how to handle money even if no one taught you. In this book you will learn:
- Why your past money mistakes don’t determine your future
- How to change the way you view money
- Why average is a scary place to be
- How to instill confidence in your teen
- How to teach your teen about money in a hands-on way
- How to eliminate the arguments and stress around money
The teenage years are such a transformational time. These years can be a great opportunity to teach your teen money skills. Instead of money being a point of contention and stress like it is for many parents and teens, you can become a team working together to help your teen build a strong foundation for the future. In the process, you can create a bond with your children that can last a lifetime!

Rachel Murphy
Rachel has worked with young people for almost twenty-five years as a youth director, a foster parent, a mentor to young adults and is a mom to five children (ages 8-24). Through the years she became aware of how many teens are lacking easily taught life skills that would help them as they launch out on their own. Her family started Raising Confident Teens to help teach life and leadership skills to teens and their parents. She is the main host of the Raising Confident Teens podcast.
When my parents started the money plan with me, I was excited to have control over my own money. It taught me self control; I couldn’t spend all my money on clothes because then I wouldn’t have enough money to eat out or to buy school supplies. I like the plan because it is helping me prepare for when I have to budget my salary when I move out.
I learned so much about managing money that I wish I had known as I launched out on my own over 50 years ago. When Rachel gives the plan, she spells it out so you are not left feeling panicked as to how to implement these concepts. Though I do not have any children in the home, I am eager to share this book with my grandchildren!
Rachel’s book I am Not Your ATM is a breakthrough on how to teach your teen practical money management skills. We have been using this method with our children (11 and 13) and it’s been amazing to see some of the lessons they’ve learned in just a few months. They do a lot more comparison shopping now that the money is “theirs,” not just mom’s. Rachel’s method of instruction is empowering to teens and parents alike.
Buy the Book
Take the first step towards helping your teen build a strong financial foundation.
Follow the Plan
Save yourself time and follow the path that has already been navigated for you.
Change the Future
Learning skills leads to confidence. The more your teen practices money skills, the stronger their foundation will be.